Tuesday 20 February 2007

Just came back from a short weekend trip in Bangkok with MLB. Took photos but will wait till she sends them to me before I post them up.

So what happened was we went to a couple of places on the first night we touched down.

It was unbelievable. We actually managed to get two original Adidas soccer jerseys from a sportshop in Si Lom for only b588 ($28)! I didn't bring much but MLB kept persuading me to get them since we could never get this good a deal in Singers... so I did. Couldn't be happier.

After that we scooted over to Suan Lum night market where we shopped somemore. MLB got a few pretty fashion accessories while I got myself a really comfortable pair of sandals made from straw that I could use at home for only b80! Cheapness! That's less than 4 Singdollars!

We were so pooped out after that adventure.

Us being Leos, we planned everything beforehand. Very anal. Our plan was revolved centrally around SHOPPING.

The next day we attacked Chatchuchak.

I thought the people there were all very rude. Rude rude rude rude rude. Rude.

Ok so we were at this shop when I saw a couple of bermudas and cargo pants that I wanted to try on so I asked the guy to give me them for size 32. And then he was like "No no no, you size 35". I said "Dude, cannot be. I'm size 32".

Dude: No, you 35.

Me: 32.

Dude: I measure (then he slipped a measuring tape around my waist, with me still protesting). See! You 35!

Me: *Gasp* Grumble grumble. Ok gimme 35 then.

Dude: You 35. 35. See? You 35. I just see I know.

Me: Ok shut up.

Dude: You 35.

Me: Shut up. Just gimme the thing. Harrrumph. Idiot.

Got a couple of good deals here too. Cargo pants were supposed to be b650 and the bermudas b350 but we got them for b740 total. Less than $30. Woo. The same stuff in Singers would easily be twice the price. I was a happy camper.

Then as were walking, browsing around, we came by this shop that sold shirts so I just went over to check it out flicking at the shirts on the rack. Suddenly this guy came from behind and said, "You XL, you XL" and proceeded to pick out a couple of shirts in that size for me to look.

I was like, "I never!" So rude. Am I THAT fat? I decided not to continue anymore and walked away in a huff. Humph!

Then we were at this other shop that sold polo tees. MLB helped pick out one in size L which was nice but when I tried it on, it was quite tight I could see my tummy portruding out but MLB asked how much it was anyway and the guy said b230.

Fine. So let's TRY size XL instead. "How much it this?" MLB asked again. "b250", the guy said. What 20 more bahts for what? The excess material? Ack. I'm fat. And I have to pay 20 more baht for that as a penalty. So I didn't.

MLB actually came up with a list of places with Halal food before we went over. Let us know if you want that list. We'll be more than happy to oblige.

After that, we went over to this place opposite our hotel for a pedicure. It was my first pedicure experience. Cool. The girl doing my feet cut me a couple of times but it was ok. I'm a strong little boy. I just couldn't stand her scrubbing my feet though coz it was so dang ticklish, but now I've got pretty fit. Yay!

We went back to rest and went out again in the evening just to check Ma Bu Kong out. It's a cool place. Lotsa good shopping but we were late and the shops were already closing so we planned to go again the next day before we had to go to the airport.

Which we did.

It was great shopping. Just like Chatchuchak. But airconditioned. More or less the same prices too. Got myself two more original soccer jerseys, Olympique Marseille and Boca Juniors from a factory outlet for only b360 both. That's about $15 only.

Also got myself a pair of really nice red and orange board shorts for b300. I really love it. I'm wearing it now.

The thing about Bangkok is that it's not much different from Singapore. It's modern and everything. Quite unlike what I expected it to be. The racial mix is also more or less the same.

The people are more laid back. No rush. MLB and I could sense other Singaporeans in the crowd easily. We were playing this "Spot the Singaporean" game between us and we spotted quite a lot. It was embarassing.

From what I've seen, the people there are also very enterprising and they really put in an effort in the things that they do. They have pride. Much respect for that. I mean we have many small shops selling the exact same thing every few steps and yet they still dare to continue what they're doing.

One thing I may never try again is of course to take the tuk tuk. It was scary experience for me. These little things rule the roads. The drivers rev up their engines all the time and they're really reckless. I'm sure they know what they're doing but that doesn't stop me from scaring the crap out of myself on the first night going to Suan Lum. Yikes.

And also, both MLB and I agree that almost everyone here is pretty and gorgeous, even the guys. They're just folks you see on the street but they really look good.

That's why I am not surprised people there keep mistaking me for a local. *smirk*

When it was time to leave, we were kinda dragging our feet. We didn't really wanna go. This is so abrupt and sudden. We haven't got enough of Bangkok and this definitely won't be our last trip there.

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